Who am I?

I am a senior in college (yay and oh god) who is passionate about writing clean code as well as following my heart. I love building things from scratch, critiquing my own work until it's degutted totally and try to make it the very best version of itself. By making things with an aim to help people, I dream and strive on making a difference in this long, wide world through empathy, technology and creativity.

I cry easy, hide easy and speak up easy- I love connecting with people from diverse backgrounds, varied experiences and the hay makers, rule breakers! My ideal role would be one that pairs technology and creativity in proportionate amounts and keeps me inspired on my feet every single day.
Ideally, a Front-end Engineering role in the Entertainment industry would be my dream role but I am open to any new experiences where I can add value and love.

Download My CV!
image of cycle

Technical Skills

UI-UX Designing Web development Full stack development APIs Open Source DSA QA Testing Machine Learning
HTML 5 CSS 3 Bootstrap Javascript Paper CSS Node.js Express.js JQuery C++ C Java Python (Basic) Tensorflow.js wow.js Github repl.it Qoom VS Code Microsoft Azure Google Cloud (Basic) Mongo DB (Basic) Figma Sublime Text Editor Trello Blockchain (Basic)

Non-technical Skills

Creative Writing Content Writing Debating Blogging Digital Art Filmmaking Beta Reading Video Editing Mentoring Googling SEO Communications Photography
Office 365 Google Workspace Canva Adobe Draw Wordpress Filmora Autodesk Sketchbook Sweek Wattpad Zoom Google Meet Microsoft Teams

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